Hello everyone;
It is so good when we get excited by new ideas. I can hear the ‘we could do this and do that!’ resonating in our space again recently. But too often those ideas are beaten by the means at our disposal and end up in a sad, ‘it could have been so nice…’
This is a pity because those moments are more than spontaneous sparks of creativity; they are rare opportunities given to the group to build pride and a shared belief that they have in them what it takes to make it happen.
This is the main purpose behind the Tetrix cubes. Empowering the people. Giving a chance to the ‘just do it’ spirit to bloom and transform the way people interact and work.
Our second build this week is a bit of a result of such mindset. We were having a conversation about how disturbing it can be to have a video conference in an open space and how great it would be to have a little soundproof cabin…
Here is the result!
Our phonebooth can accommodate 1 person, has been soundproofed by adding cushions on the walls and the ceiling, has a wooden desk (I had this piece of wood from a previous project) and a light so we always look awesome on the video.

We have also added a little bit of comfort with 3 cute plushes.
Build the space you need!
Have a great day.
The TingTang team