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Here is the new whiteboard tile!

It has been a long process with a lot of trial and error, but finally here it is!
The new whiteboard tile for the Tetrix cube is available.
This new design fixes a few flaws our first version had. It was too fragile, too heavy and had a tendency to slide down from the cube.
This upgraded version is flexible and therefore do not fear dropping it. It is almost unbreakable! 😉
Its weight has also improved by 15%.
And finally, we have added 4 magnetic rings at the back that connect within the cube, so the tile is always perfectly aligned and can’t slide anymore.

You can order you whiteboard tile here

0.8mm Whiteboard magnetic rubber on natural cork.
4 magnetic rings made of PLA (corn based bio-degradable plastic)

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How to store your Tetrix cubes?

How to store your Tetrix cubes when there is no training nor workshop happening?
Here are two examples that we have built in our office. Many more are possible depending on your layout and the number of cubes you have.

-> A large whiteboard wall

This is an easy one. You just stack all your cubes along a wall, from bottom to top, then cover them with whiteboard tiles. Remember to keep one side open for the pens and wipes.

-> A bookshelf

You can easily transform your whiteboard wall (see above) in a bookshelf by removing the front side of the cubes.
With a bit of inspiration your bookshelf can become a bit more elaborate. We have built one at the entrance of our space that helps to highlight the books we like (or sell ;)) and can be used as a bench as well.

– Exist also in XXL 😉

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How many Tetrix cubes do you need?

People often ask us how many cubes they need to turn a room into a collaborative space.
Unfortunately, there is no golden number – each space is different, and your needs are unique – but we came with a few tips that may help you find the best ratio.

1) Remember your Lego period

The Tetrix cubes are a bit like Lego pieces. You can’t do much if you have too few of them. Where is the fun playing with 4 or 5 pieces, right?
It is so frustrating when a beautiful idea pops up, and you find yourself short of cubes. Higher numbers allow for creativity, thus the more you have, the further you can go.

2) What is your space made for?

There are a few key questions that might help in you finding your right number:
-How many persons do you expect in your space?
– What features is your public expecting? Is your space hosting collaborative workshops, pitch sessions or a world cafe? Or all of them?

Let’s check out a few typical set-ups and their ratio cubes/participant.

Tetrix Plenary
A Plenary set-up with a welcome wall at the entrance of the room.
This simple set-up can be used for presentations or the introduction of a workshop. We used 34 cubes as a stool with a cushion.
On the wall at the entrance, we can draw a welcome message on the added whiteboard tiles.
-> 50 cubes for 34 participants

Tetrix Worldcafe

The world café is a simple and flexible format for hosting large group dialogues.
We have improved the set-up by turning the table into a whiteboard so everyone can take notes easily.
-> 50 cubes for 30 participants.

Tetrix Whiteboard

The whiteboard wall configuration.
On many occasions, we need to break down the group to address topics in parallel and increase efficiency. Whiteboard walls are often the best set-up for both sharing ideas but also as a sound barrier.
All the cubes are covered with whiteboard tiles that can be removed and replaced.
-> 60 cubes for 20 participants.

Tetrix Totem

The totem.
Creating a memorable experience is an important part of our jobs. We named these sculptures ‘totems’, and they are usually covered with quotes from participants or drawings captured during the workshop. They can be a lighthouse, a totem pole, a staircase to the sky … Anything that carries and amplifies the collective spirit of the group.

Here are a few set-ups that were created in 2019.

You can also remove the front side of a cube to create a bookshelf 😉


Tetrix is not more expensive than whiteboard walls when it comes to transforming a space. Besides, it brings much more flexibility. But we know that budget is often a constraint, so we came with a safe, easy and affordable way to adopt Tetrix.
a) Rent the cubes for a couple of days (for a workshop, for example) and see if you like the concept.
b) Try longer and go for or leasing solution. Ideal for experiencing the cubes in the long term. You can stop at any time – no risk.
c) Tetrix is a scalable solution. It works in your space, and your participants enjoy it? Just add more! It is that simple.

We’ve shown you a few examples and configurations coming from 1.5 to 3 cubes/participant. But at the end of the day, remember that imagination is without limits!

@credit – CoDesign-it